Telecommunications Services-What-Is-The-Universal-Telecommunications

What Is The Universal Telecommunications Service And Its Advantages

Access to telecommunications services must be guaranteed to citizens regardless of their geographical location or their economic possibilities. For this, in our country is the figure of the universal telecommunications service. Do you know what assumptions it contemplates?

What Is Universal Telecommunications Service

When we speak of the universal telecommunications service we are referring to a right based on the concept of Universal Access which establishes the guarantee mechanisms for access to certain services such as drinking water, energy and, in the case that We are dealing with a public telecommunications network as services of general interest and which, therefore, must be guaranteed by the administrations.

Who provides this universal telecommunications service  The universal telecommunications service is guaranteed by the Ministry of Industry and the winning company is the Telefónica company that the last year 2020 renewed this provision for a period of three years and, therefore, will be in charge of guaranteeing this service until 2023.

What Is The Cost Of The Universal Telecommunications Service? 

The latest data available are those for the year 2020 and it is specified that the cost was 30million euros, an amount that has gradually decreased in recent years. The explanation comes from the reduction in the number of beneficiaries of social tariffs (discounts for pensioners with low income), another cause would be the reduction of the deficit in unprofitable areas (it is not that there are fewer profitable areas, but that the cost net of these areas decreases), as well as for temporary causes, according to the National Commission of Markets and Competition.

What Guarantees The Universal Telecommunications Service

According to the provisions of the General Telecommunications Law and its subsequent legislative updates, the universal telecommunications service aims to guarantee access to these services:

All end users can obtain a connection to the public electronic communications network from a fixed location as long as their requests are considered reasonable and after evaluation by the National Markets and Competition Commission (CNMC) and fall within any of the assumptions set by article 28:

Advantages Of Telecommunication Service

  • Develops communication 
  • Enhances Customer service
  • Reduces time
  • Reduces Cost
  • Encourages collaboration in the work

The Law states that the Government has the capacity to intervene to guarantee the provision of universal telecommunications service for people with disabilities or in situations of social need and indicates in a textual way that “measures may be adopted to ensure that end-users with disabilities can also benefit from the choice of operators enjoyed by most end users. Likewise, direct support systems may be established for consumers who are individuals with low incomes or with special social needs ”

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