
Top 5 Internet Safety Tips

On Internet Safety Day, which is celebrated on February 11, various security protocols are usually published on the Internet. Maintaining certain guidelines throughout the year will allow us to protect our personal information and feel more secure . These are some of the recommendations that we can carry out:

1. Website And Secure Shopping

To know if we are entering a secure web page we can look at the URL and check that the address begins with “https” . The final “s” informs us that the website meets certain security standards.

Another option is to check if a padlock appears in the browser bar , indicating that this page is a safe place. You must always make purchases from well-known and prestigious suppliers , who have the possibility of making electronic payments with Visa, Mastercard or Paypal, among other possibilities.

Intermediate payment platforms that establish a double check through courier or those that request verification from the bank are the safest. In addition, we must be aware of our bank account in the following days to rule out fraudulent operations.

2. Periodic Password Change

Strong passwords have a minimum of 8 characters and contain at least one capital letter, numbers and special characters in order to prevent the theft of confidential information and personal data. The most appropriate thing is that it is a random password, especially avoiding using personal information in it, such as the name of a loved one or a pet, or a special date. Sequential passwords such as 1234 or ABCD are also not advisable.

Similarly, it is not convenient to always use the same username and password because if someone manages to decrypt it, they can access different devices or a large amount of information.

Also, passwords must be changed periodically . People who find it very difficult to remember the different passwords can create a secure file with passwords and protected by antivirus. Finally, we must not forget to also change the passwords that come by default on the mobile, router or any device.

3. Attention To Emails

We should never open an email that does not come to our attention, especially if it has attachments. Nor should we open those e-mails that, even when addressed to us, contain links to redirect us to other pages , especially if the reason is to correct our personal data and supposedly come from banks. If we receive an email from a known person but with suspicious content, we must ask him beforehand, because he may have a virus on his computer and he is not aware.

Likewise, we must be attentive to the spam folder and always try to close pop-up windows , being careful where we click because there are pages that sometimes deliberately lead to errors.

4. Special Precaution With The Mobile Phone

Mobile phones contain great information about our day-to-day life , and are a great way to enter our bank, our passwords or very valuable data about our tastes and the frequent places we visit.

Mobile access must be protected with a password or facial recognition. And if we are going to lose sight of our device for a while, to take it to repair, for example, it is convenient to make backup copies and restore it to factory settings.

Regarding the apps that we download, we must review their terms before accepting them, since, without realizing it, we may be giving permission to access personal information or our data. Likewise, we must check the degree of privacy of the social networks we use and never accept friend requests from strangers.

Finally, we must always download the applications from official sites to confirm that the app is original and is not a replica intended to steal have to be careful when you are surrounded by internet.

5. Avoid Open Wi-Fi Lines

As long as it is not a simple navigation, it is better not to use open or shared Wi-Fi lines in order to avoid that someone can steal personal information. To make safe purchases online, it is best to open secure sessions and close them when finished, or deactivate Wi-Fi on our mobile when we do not need it or we are in unsafe places with open networks. This will prevent the device from connecting automatically.

We must take special care not to open bank pages when we are connected to public or shared Wi-Fi networks , since we will be making it possible for them to easily access them. It is best to use VPN servers or https security protocols and always with the antivirus activated.

Today’s ADSL + Wi-FI routers have different levels of security. It is advisable to raise the level of Wi-Fi security and, if we observe a decrease in performance, we must check the devices connected to our network in order to discover possible intruders.

These are some of the few Internet safety tips that one should follow.


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