How Can SEO Help You In Your Marketing And Communication Strategy?

SEO. They may be the three letters that you have heard the most in the marketing environment in recent times. Most communication and marketing professionals have internalized this term as the holy grail. Something that everyone needs and that no one really knows how to get. If we do not get enough clicks on the web, we have the perfect justification: “ your SEO is very bad”. 

If your client has an online crisis “ it is that the content that negatively affects your reputation has better SEO than yours ”. SEO is worth justifying everything, or almost everything. And we, those responsible for managing the reputation of companies, know how to solve this problem – or at least we are supposed to know.

The truth is that SEO has become a key element in the work of marketing agencies and should also be a priority for communication agencies. If in the past knowing how to write a press release in a journalistic format was key to getting the attention of media professionals; Nowadays, the job of a communication consultant involves knowing how to write content that attracts the attention of Internet search engines (Google, above all). In short, writing content adapted to SEO. 

For all this, any professional who is dedicated to advising on communication must master the technique of writing for SEO and be aware of the changes that occur, from algorithm updates to new penalties. The ultimate goal: to appear at the top of Google, the front page of the newspaper of the 21st century.

But What Is SEO?

The word – like almost all the ones we use in marketing – is an acronym for the acronym in English Search Engine Optimization, which translates into Spanish as ‘search engine optimization. Each search engine (Google, iOs…) has a different algorithm used to search for terms on the web. These engines track terms related to the search that we have entered in the search engine. Just as we do when we look in a book or in the telephone directory, the engines use search models that are fixed in different parts of the web and that are identical in all of them.

How To Create An SEO-Optimized Title?

Title: Many websites have a habit of putting the name of your company as the title and nothing else. This is great if your brand is known and everyone will search for you by name (for example, if you are Coca-Cola). 

But the reality is very different. If a website sells shoes, the title of the page should include the name of the company, as well as “shoes” in order to notify the search engine that what we can find on that website are, precisely, shoes. Example: “Online shoe store | Nike”. Here we also give you some tips to improve the optimization of the title.

  • Primary Keyword – Secondary Keyword | brand name
  • Keep titles under 70 characters, usually about eight words.
  • Avoid capital letters.
  • Don’t go overboard on keywords. 

(Example: Nike shoes, Puma shoes |

SEO-Friendly Content

Body copy/content: What words are you using on your page that will help someone find your products or services? How many articles on your page talk about those products and services? The more times and the more pages that contain the keywords, the higher the SEO for the search term.

Take, for example, a company that wants to be known as a leader in the manufacturing process. It will be essential to be clear on two points. The first thing we have to take into account is that potential customers are going to look for the “leader of the manufacturing process”. (this definition is quite ambiguous and imprecise and will therefore be irrelevant to search engines). The second point to take into account would be the frequency with which the term for which we want to be found appears on your website. A page with the only mention of “manufacturing process leader” will not be relevant to search engines. Tips to improve SEO in content:

  • Think about what your audience would search for, not how you want to be found.
  • Use keywords/phrases
  • Use subtitles that include the keywords
  • Update your page content regularly. 
  • Link to previous content – ​​no more than every 99 words as best practice, where relevant.
  • Texts should be between 500 and 2,500 words in length. 300 words minimum.
  • Keyword density should be kept to around 2% (every 100 words include the keyword at least twice).
  • Use multimedia content whenever you can.
  • Vary the font and formatting (ie italics, bold, bullets) where appropriate.
  • The meta description, the invisible SEO

Meta Description

The meta description is probably the most hidden part, but one of the most important aspects of SEO. It consists of a small description that search engines show when a page appears in a search result. This information is the first thing that a search engine obtains from your company. Make sure it’s detailed, matches the content of your page, and is concise enough that it doesn’t get cut off. Remember that 60% of all Internet searches are done on mobile devices, and that number is growing every day. 

Here are some recommended techniques for description:

  • Keep descriptions between 110 and 120 characters. 100 is the minimum.
  • Be descriptive, but in accordance with your keywords and phrases.
  • Make sure it exists, otherwise Google will pull content randomly. 
  • Try to include the year.

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